Monday, November 06, 2006


Lord, please heal my sister's illness and restore her to complete health. She gives her all and needs all her physical strength. I just pray that you give your full strength and power both physically and mentally to her and through her. She is a giver of all she has and asks for so little in return. Lord, because you are the giver of everything even though we do not deserve it I ask you to pour out your love and healing on my sister, your blessed servant. In Jesus Name, Amen.


At 6:26 AM, Blogger Kimberly Brixey said...

Lord we have not lost Hope through this long and draining ordeal. With your mercy our faith is strengthened as we endure and wait for your victory-- your precious timing. Thank you Lord for the answer to our prayers that my sister is cancer-free. Thank you for restoring her life when her body was shutting down and giving up. Thank you for answering our prayers. God we continue to ask for her full and complete recovery. Please take away her pain, heal her body, and renew her spirit, and restore to her the Joy of her salvation. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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