Sunday, January 29, 2006

R4C Ranch

Father God, I ask that you guide all my decisions about R4C Ranch. I want to follow you and prepare others to follow you as you lead me to. Lord I want to lift up your name in EVERYTHING I do including RBRR and I ask that you give us the strength and the spiritual backing we need in order to do that. We are thick in the middle of a spiritual battle surrounding that ministry. I see it ripe for an opportunity to spread the good news, to develop disciples for Christ, and to show God's love to the hurting. Lord I do not want to hide your name behind horses but rather that horses be used to boldly shine your light into a hurting world. Lord I pray for those involved in these ministries that they would come to know you Lord, soften their hearts, draw them close, open their eyes, and WIN THE VICTORY for their souls. Lord I know your timing is perfect but I ask that the victory comes today! Lord that we can move together and grow as a Body proclaiming the name of Jesus, united in Christ, your son, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Friday, January 27, 2006

My Grandfather

Lord, I just ask for your blessing and favor on my Grandfather who is 105 years old today. Lord, He is lonely, he thinks you have forgotten him. Lord I don't know if he knows Jesus or has accepted him but I just pray for his salvation. He is isolated and lonely in his own world where he can't hear those around him to carry on a conservation, he can't see who is sitting next him. He can only sense there are people around him. Lord I ask that he can feel your presence. Be with him every day, each moment, and keep him close to you until his time to depart this earth and then Lord I just ask that you take him to heaven to wait for us there. In Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, January 23, 2006

My home and others

Father God,

I pray your will would unfold in my life and home. Let me do your will this week at school, at home, and at church. Show me your way; guide me in all things. Let not a moment pass when I do not seek you. May I hear your voice and head the call. Lord I thank you for what you are doing in my life. I see the seeds of things to come and my joy increases. I know you are bringing things together in a fashion I never would have guessed with my earthly mind.

Lord, I lift up my little sister. Give her strength in You. Give her energy. Heal her sickness. Call her to you even more and reveal to her your will. Lord, the enemy surrounds her. I cry out on her behalf. Lord, keep her from temptations and save her from the stench around her. Let your spirit lift her above and show her all things.

This I pray, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Mend Two Broken Hearts

Father in heaven, May all who enter my home praise your name. God I ask that you show Amanda the way you want her to go. Thank you for standing with me as I talked with her last night. Our hearts are broken Lord and only you can heal them. Nothing is impossible with you, Lord. Show Amanda your strength, your heart for her life, Give her the courage to make the difficult steps you are tugging at her heart to make. Sometimes the path which seems to be the least resistant is really the path full of pain and struggles outside of your blessing and favor. The first step is usually the hardest but once she is walking with you again your burden is light. Bring her back into your blessing and favor. Let your guiding star be shining so bright she can't help but see you, hold her hand tightly so she can't let go of you, and guide her back onto the path of your blessing and service that you have prepared for her. Lord, help me to guide her back to you. Thank you for allowing us this time this evening, to share our hearts, to share your love, and although I am not so sure I know how it ended, I trust you Lord. Thank you for letting me hold her. Help me to not be an obstacle in your way but give me your words, the emotions, your strength, your peace, and your wisdom to guide her in this time of great transition and turmoil in her life. In Jesus Name, please stay with her and if it is your will bring her home. Amen.

Monday, January 16, 2006

This Mother's Heart

Father in heaven, may all who enter my home praise your name. Please draw my children close to you and restore your Joy in their hearts. Heal them from their grief and show them clearly You are there for them. Most of all this mother's heart wants for them an intimate relationship with you, God, a relationship of comfort, peace, joy, and closeness. I just ask that each of them get a big God hug this week.

I ask that you lead Lennon to other believers that He may spend this week praising your name. Keep him safe in his service and build him up for serving you, Lord. I ask that you restore Amanda's joy through Your presence in her life. Let her hear your voice and rebuke the enemy so he may not lie to her, so she will see clearly the way to go on a path that leads to You and your abundant life for her. If it is your will, bring her home and show me how to share your love with her and build her up for serving you.

Lord, I ask that you bring Rosco close to you again. Restore the Joy He had praising you with his music. Let him know you personally and know the Joy of Salvation. Give him the desire and the courage to be baptized in your name and if it is your will, to play on the worship team again. Show me how to train him up and give him the boldness to be Salt and Light in his relationships at school and at the ranch.

For my little one, Lord, you know the pain he has in his heart because you took his dad. Please help him soften his hardened heart and free it from hate. Help him to understand, because Lord it is hard for all of us to understand why little ones must suffer. But I trust you, Lord, because I have seen your work, but Lord, all he has seen is the loss of his daddy. So please Lord, forgive his anger at you and restore his love for Jesus and his joy of praising you on earth.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Prayer Covering for Kiki's Home

Lord, I pray that your blood would cover my house and protect the house and all those who enter. I pray that this house would imbue a sense of peace and your love. Please make this home a place where others can come and worship in your name and learn more of your Word. Show me how you would have me prepare my house for myself and others to enjoy. Provide for the house that which is needed to comfort and accomodate all those you draw to my house. In Jesus name, Amen.

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." ~Joshua 24:13.

A Prayer for my Home & the Ranch

Lord, please open the door of my home to many friends and family. Make this a place of refuge for your children and your lighthouse beacon to the lost. Let all who enter in feel welcomed, refreshed, and equipped with your power to face their daily battles. Let the love they find here remain dear in their hearts when they venture out into the world. Show me how you want my home to change and gently guide me in good stewardship of it. Mold me and make me a good friend to my brothers and sisters in Christ and to the lost. Lord, let my home draw people to your Light, let me be someone who illuminates your Love, and let all who cross through the ranch gates be immersed in Your Presence. In Jesus name, Amen.