Wednesday, April 26, 2006

End of the Semester

God help me get throught the end of the semester. I am once again being tainted by the academic environment. Help me separate myself...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

New Ministry

Father God, I thank you for who you are. Your mercy abounds and your love for us is everlasting. May our hearts be consumed by your fire and your love. Cleanse us, O Lord, and heal us. May we be set apart and holy in your sight. You truly have charge over everything in our lives, Lord, and for that we are thankful. I pray that your anointing would be on me to set forth in this new deliverance ministry you have invited me to participate in. I love to see people set free, Lord. I pray your will be done and your protection surround us. I pray that you will show me your ways, O Lord. May you be magnified above all else.

Thank you, Lord.
In Jesus' holy name, Amen.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

My family

Father God,

I pray that you would watch over my parents who have moved to Texas. I see that you are making new things happen in my family and I just pray that Your will be done. Give my sisters a sense of peace about my parents leaving. Help them to accomplish everything that my parents used to take care of. Please watch over my niece and nephew, especially my niece who doesn't understand that she's not going to see Grandma and Grandpa tomorrow. Lord, ease this transition for everyone.

Thank you Jesus,