Monday, July 24, 2006

A Prayer Offered in Faith

Why would a doctor tell a patient that having many prayer warriors and being on prayer lists has been proven to not make any difference in a patient's outcome? Not to mention I have read many studies that have found that prayer does make a difference. Regardless of how their studies turn out we hold to the truth that 'we do not receive because we do not ask' and so we come before the throne of our Lord and we ask. And we also know that where two or more are gathered in Christ name, there we will ask and we will receive what we ask for in faith.

Please pray for my sister who has been diagnosed with a fibrose tumor behind her abdomen. It was her doctor who made that blasphemous statement but I believe prayer will help and where the doctors have conceded our Healer, Jesus Christ, will be able to heal her. This tumor invaded her kidneys and they were very close to shutting down. The stints have opened up the drainage tubes and allowed her to clear those out. Praise God! But she has a long way to go. They do not know if the tumor is malignant and she has chosen not to find out but to let them treat the fibrose tumor and allow God to work his miracles. Please pray for the miraculous healing that only Christ can deliver. We know he can and we know that he hears and answers all of the prayers!

I just want to repeat that prayers are precious to God. He does not take them lightly and has a precious place for them, "they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints." I believe that applies to the people you pray for that you don't even know, even people who are prayed for that don't even know you are praying for them. The prayer lists make a difference to my sister, she loves to hear that others are praying for her. That is God sending her some comfort. But we know it's more than that, that God hears our prayers. "... They cried out to him during the battle and he answered their prayers because they trusted in him." (1 Chron 5:20).

It's not rocket science, it's Faith!

Thank you Lord for your precious gift of prayer that allows us to come before your Mighty throne with our own endless troubles and our concerns for others, even those we do not know. Amen.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Prayer for the United States of America

Lord, I pray for all the party revelers tonight who are celebrating the independence of our great country. I pray that you keep them safe and fill their hearts with love for America and their fellow man. Oversee our nation's police force as they seek to protect the citizens tonight as well. I pray for our soldiers who continue to protect our country and other countries; Lord, comfort them tonight if they are far from home and in a strange place.

Father, I pray for our nation in the wake of North Korea's missile test launch. I pray that you would give our leaders the wisdom to know how to deal with these recent international developments. Lord, I know that you are larger than all of this, and I pray that your will would be done in the world.

Your might is is stronger than any man's. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen