Monday, March 20, 2006

Writers Group Forming

Lord, I pray a blessing over the writer's group that I feel lead to form. I beleive it was you placed this on my heart and I want to follow your direction. Please don't let me chase after my own desire unless they are your desires as well. Let me be wise enough to accept the direction of my church leadership and if you are leading me to confront unbiblical traditions in our church, please help me to do that respectfully, tactfully, and with your wisdom void of my own selfish needs. I just ask that you bless this group of writers as we come together to explore all that you have for us. I pray that they will be blessed by making the extra trip out to the ranch, let them be blessed here as I am. Again I ask for your blessing for each creative talent that comes to our group, I ask you to bless us as a group, help us to encourage each other, let our group be a blessing to its members as well as those who will be touched through our writing. I ask for your presence in all our group meetings and to give those whose heart you are touching through this group to have the courage to make the trip, to sign up, and to pick up the pen and write through your inspiration and wisdom. Amen.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Storms

Lord, thank you for keeping all of us safe during the storms that went through the midwest this weekend. Thank you for keeping my son safe as we heard on the phone the howling winds from that tornado that passed by him so far from home. Thank you for letting my sister and brother and their spouses and children leave the lake on time, just hours before the tornado ripped that campground, marina, and boat storage apart. Thank you for keeping them safe throughout the terrible storms on their way home. The boats and campers lost are just stuff Lord and we are grateful for your protection of what is really precious, our loved ones. Thank you for giving me a peace about my car, which was damaged from the hail. It is just a thing. And I accept your lesson in all of this... that stuff is just stuff and it was never meant to last. Help me to bind closely to my relationships here on earth and loose my grips on petty arguments, feelings of jealousy and rejection, and holding on to stuff that doesn't matter because what is bound on earth you promise will be bound in heaven and what is loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven. I just pray that you comfort those who did lose loved ones in the storms this weekend, and help those who lost homes find shelter and food and most of all, love and caring people to help them. Lord you are the one who will turn the black clouds of these storms in to a spring rain, the tragic twirl into a summer breeze. Thank you again for keeping my loved ones safe through the storms. Amen.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Prayer for Healing

Lord, thank you for safely bringing my sister through her surgery. In faith I thank you for healing the hernia. Holy Spirit come to her, let her receive the healing that You have done. Let her live fully in the absence of pain. Lord I ask that you take away her pain and her fear of what could be wrong and let her rest in faith that there is nothing wrong and she is fully healed. Do not let her feel ashamed that they can not find anything wrong to answer her pain but let her be relieved of her pain and rejoice in the fact that you have healed her body. Thank you, God. Thank you, Jesus, our savior and healer. Amen.